Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) & Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI)
Who Needs a CORI/SORI Check?
Students who want to take part in a program that involves working with children, people with disabilities, or the elderly without direct supervision, may need to pass a background check. This could include a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check and/or a Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) check. Students found to have certain criminal convictions or pending criminal actions will be ineligible for clinical placement and therefore ineligible for enrollment in their program.
For more details about the Sex Offender Registry, visit:
Programs Requiring CORI/SORI Checks:
Step 1: Review and Sign Forms
The student must complete and sign both forms, then submit both forms to their program contact by the specified deadline.
Downloadable Forms:
CORI Form | SORI Form
Step 2: E-mail Forms to Program Contact
Submit both completed and signed forms to the department contact listed below by the specified deadline. For programs without a specific deadline, students must submit forms at least two weeks prior to the semester start date.
Submission Contacts (by Program):
The College is authorized by the Commonwealth's Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 6, Sections 167-178B, to access CORI records. Sex Offender checks shall be performed pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 6, Sections 178C-178P. The College's assessment of CORI records is based on regulations issued by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, 101 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 15.00-15.17. SORI checks are performed pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 6, Section 178C-178P.
For more information regarding the College's CORI/SORI check process, please contact Jacquelyn Thompson the VP of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs at